Information on privacy and cookies policy ex Art 13 of General Data Protection Regulation
UE 2016/679 (GDPR)


Before communicating and processing any personal data, we invite you to read carefully this “Privacy Policy” which is to be understood as a statement made in accordance with art. 13 of the GDPR to those who consult and interact with the website, as it contains information on the protection of personal data and on the security measures put in place to ensure personal data confidentiality in full compliance with the GDPR.

Please note that this Privacy Policy is intended only for the website and it does not apply to other websites that may be consulted through our links.

  • 1. The Data Controller

MARTELLA SRL based in Via C. Balbo 7 – 20025 Legnano (MI) – ITALY – phone number +39 0331 595206 – is the responsible of the processing of personal data, relating to identified or identifiable persons, processed after the consultation of our website.

  • 2. Place and purpose of the data processing

Data processing related to the web services of this website takes place at our service provider that has been specifically appointed as External Responsible and the data processed are handled directly by our employees specifically trained and in charge of this activity.
The personal data provided by users who send requests via email are used only to reply to the requests received.
No data collected from the web service is communicated or publicized to third parties.

  • 3. Procedure regarding the data processing

Personal data are processed with automated IT tools for the time necessary to achieve the above-mentioned purpose. Requests are normally answered within 15 days.

In addition to the data controller, in some cases the data may be accessed by other parties involved in the organization of this website (administrative, commercial, marketing staff, etc.) or external parties (e.g. third-party technical service providers, hosting providers, IT companies, communication agencies) that are appointed – if necessary – data processors by the data controller. The updated list of external data processors is available on request addressed to the data controller.

  • 4. Categories of data processed
  • 4.1 Data provided by users voluntarily

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site does not entail any request for consent as well as the possible completion of forms prepared for the request for information that involves the subsequent acquisition of the address and the data of the sender / user, needed to respond to requests that are forwarded.
In the case of registration with reserved areas for the purpose of fulfilling the pre-contractual and contractual obligations deriving from existing relationships or for the administrative and possibly commercial management of the existing relationship (e.g. form for sending orders) does not require explicit consent by of the interested party as it is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to process the aforementioned data to find a request or to fulfill a legal and / or contractual obligation to which the Data Controller is subject compared to the data subject.
In the event of the completion of a specific form (form) which provides for the compulsory compilation of some predefined fields for the sending to the interested subject of newsletters and / or commercial communications and / or advertising material on products or services offered by the Data Controller, the marketing and communication aims are also added. In this case, an explicit consent will be requested from the user when filling in the form.

  • 4.2 Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.
This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site, the time of the request. This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing.

  • 4.3 Sharing content via social networks

If you decide to share some content via one or more social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google + …), the Site may access certain information in your account if you have activated the sharing of your account data with third-party applications.
You can disable the sharing of your account data with third-party applications by accessing the settings of the same. For more information, we invite you to consult the website of the social network (s) in which you are registered.

  • 5. CookiesPlease read the Cookies information
  • 6. Transfer of the data abroad

The data collected are not transferred abroad.

  • 7. Rights of the data subject

In compliance with the GDPR, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access to your personal data: You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not your personal data is being processed and, in that case, access to the following information: the purposes of the processing, the categories of data concerned, the recipients of the data, the period for which the data will be stored, the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, the right to request the rectification, erasure or restriction of the processing or to object to such processing, and the existence of automated decision-making processes (Art. 15 of the GDPR);
  • Right to request the rectification or erasure of your data or the restriction of processing of data concerning your person. “Restriction of processing” means the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future (Art. 16 of the GDPR);
  • Right to object to processing: You have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to processing of your personal data for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or on grounds of the legitimate interests of the data controller (Art. 21 of the GDPR);
  • Right to data portability: In the case of automated processing of data based on consent or on the performance of a contract, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format (Art. 20 of the GDPR);
  • Right to withdraw your consent to processing for the above-mentioned purposes. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect in any way the lawfulness of processing carried out before its withdrawal.
  • Pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the State of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the infringement of your rights. The competent supervisory authority in Italy is the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Italian Data Protection Authority), whose contact details can be found on the website

In order to exercise the above-mentioned rights or to submit any requests, you must send a written communication to the data controller via registered mail or e-mail to the address provided in point 1.

This Privacy Policy is effective from 25/05/2018. MARTELLA SRLreserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or completely, also due to changes in the Applicable Regulation.




A Cookie is a simple text file, that is saved from the server of a website on the computer or on any other user’s electronic device, and can be read or retrieved from the server itself. Cookies can be stored permanently on your computer for a variable length of time (i.e. Persistent Cookie). Cookies can also be deleted as the browser is closed or can have a limited duration (i.e. Session Cookie). Cookies can be set up by the website you are visiting (i.e. Technical Cookie), or by other websites (i.e. Third-party Cookie).

The majority of browsers are initially set up for the automatic acceptance of Cookies, in order to improve the experience of the single user. Users themselves can choose to set the options of their web browser for the nonacceptance of the Cookies or for the notification to be received when the Cookies are sent to the server. If such options are enabled, the website might not work properly.

Cookie installed on this website
Technical Cookies
Activities strictly necessary for the correct performance that do not require the prior agreement from the user.
Activities strictly necessary for the correct performance that do not require the prior agreement from the user.

  • None of these cookies will make possible to retrieve personal information of the user.
  • Cookies does not allow for the transfer of personal information.
  • The use of the i.e. Session Cookie is limited only to the identification of the sessions needed to grant the secure and efficient exportation of the website. (ex. When in a website you choose the language or the value).

Visualization of contents from external platform
Visualization of contents hosted on external platform integrated in the pages of the website and that interact with them. Even if the Users those not use these services, the services itself can retrieve network traffic information related to the pages in which is integrated.

Google Maps (Google Inc.)
Service of visualization of maps managed by Google that allow the integration of the contents inside the pages of the website.
Retrieved Personal Data: Cookies and Data Usage
Place of the Data Treatment: USA – Privacy Policy

Google Analytics (Google Inc.)
Google Analytics is a Web-Analysis software provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google retrieve the Personal Data for the purpose of trace and examine how the User interact with the website, create report and share them with other services developed by Google.
Google could keep and use the Personal Data for contextualize and personalize the announcement in his own Advertiser Network.

Retrieved Personal Data: Cookies and Data Usage
Place of the Data Treatment: USA – Privacy Policy


The User/Visitor can modify the configuration of the device in use for restrict the cookies or for have warnings when some cookie is going to be used on the device. There are many possibilities to manage of the Cookies, the user can refer to the link below or to the help guide of his/her own browser for discover how to configure or modify the settings on Cookies.
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari